Sermon on the Mount – Blessed are those Who Mourn – Matthew 5:4

September 19, 2021

A powerful promise that seems puzzling when we slow down to consider it. Jesus states you can be happy only if you mourn and experience sorrow. Listen in as Andy Petry dives into the next beatitude in our study in the sermon on the mount to learn more about what Jesus is describing about the blessing received when we mourn our sin.

Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5:1-2

September 5, 2021

The sermon on the mount is thought to be perhaps the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest man who ever lived – Jesus Christ. This week Andy Petry starts a new study into Matthew 5-7. In this first week, he provides an introduction to the upcoming study to set the stage for an exciting deep-dive into all Christ taught in this well known text.

Revelation 19 – The Marriage Supper and Judgment Seat of Christ

June 6, 2021

Before Christ’s return, preparations are made as the bride and groom united, celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb. In this special moment, it is mentioned that the white garment worn by the bride is the righteous deeds of the saints. Listen in as Andy Petry discusses this beautiful event and the connection it has to the bema seat for all believers.

Revelation 17-18 – The Fall of Babylon

May 16, 2021

Fallen is Babylon the Great is proclaimed and detailed in Revelation chapters seventeen and eighteen. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake discusses the symbolism and possible connection this has to the world powers and false religions as they are judged before the return of Jesus Christ.