Justice and Mercy

Malachi 2:17-3:6

November 22, 2020

A common set of questions are asked in our world and were being asked in the days of the prophet Malachi. “Where is the justice of God?” “Why doesn’t He intervene?” “Why are the wicked prospering?” Listen in as Andy Petry discusses the answer to these questions given in a prophecy to Malachi that reveals the solution is not a what or how, but who.

The Power of Pure Prayer

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 5:7-20

October 25, 2020

The power of prayer is something James was extremely familiar with as his nickname was “old camel knees” due to his constancy in prayer on his knees in the temple. Listen in as Andy Petry and Dr. Charles Lake lean in to James powerful teaching of the importance and effectiveness of prayer to heal both spiritually and physically within the church.

Trusting in Earthly Riches Will Leave You Spiritually Bankrupt

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 5:1-6

October 11, 2020

James proclaims sure destruction and judgment on those who are trusting in their riches. Does this mean money is evil? Can someone be rich and be a follower of Jesus? How should we view money and wealth in the church? Listen in as Andy Petry breaks down James stark warning about placing our trust in earthly riches.

It’s Risky Business Not Acknowledging God’s Authority

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 4:11-17

October 4, 2020

There are some practical ways to show our belief the God is sovereign. Similarly, this also exposes when we have bumped him off of the throne of our lives. Andy Petry discusses three key areas where it is easy to see whether or not we are acknowledging God’s authority.

Can We Claim Faith While Being Unfaithful

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 3:13-4:10

September 27, 2020

James challenges the church by pointing out that it is difficult to claim faith while living unfaithfully. We as the church are called to live holy lives. Yet James also points out the amazing grace of God is always there to catch us when we fall. Listen in as Andy Petry walks through these important truths.

Taming Our Tongue

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 3

September 20, 2020

A small fire can set a forest ablaze as we have seen in our country with recent wildfires out west. James tells us the tongue is like a fire that can also cause massive destruction if not under control. Listen in as Andy Petry works through this practical teaching on how we tame our tongue through the wisdom from above.

The Vital Signs of Faith

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 2:14-26

September 13, 2020

James, the half-brother of Jesus, declares a very controversial statement that faith without works is dead. Is this a contradiction to what Paul taught? How are we to understand the role of good works in light of our salvation? Listen in as Andy Petry discusses this key teaching from James.

Being Hearers and Doers of the Word

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 1:19-25

August 30, 2020

James, the half-brother of Jesus, makes a very potent point for when we face trials. We are to be quick to hear from the Word, slow to speak, and slow to anger. He doesn’t stop there as he describes how to build muscle memory to prepare for success in some of the darkest times in our lives. We need to be both a hearer of the Word and a doer if we are to endure. Listen in this week as Andy Petry walks us through the practical teaching of James.

Passing the Test

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 1:1-18

August 23, 2020

As we continue our study into the books written by the half-brothers of Jesus, we now turn to James. He opens his letter to the church with a very odd remark of ‘count it all joy when we face trials of various kinds’. Listen in as Andy Petry walks through 5 key means James shares to persevere through trials and how to prevent yourself from falling into temptation.