Revelation 17-18 – The Fall of Babylon

May 16, 2021

Fallen is Babylon the Great is proclaimed and detailed in Revelation chapters seventeen and eighteen. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake discusses the symbolism and possible connection this has to the world powers and false religions as they are judged before the return of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 5 – The Lamb

February 21, 2021

The Apostle John begins to weep in chapter 5 of Revelation as he sees no one worthy to open the scroll in God’s hand. However, from behind the throne steps out one who is worthy to take the scroll. It is the Lamb of God. Listen as Dr. Charles Lake walks us through this powerful chapter of Scripture.

The Rapture of the Church

February 7, 2021

As we are transitioning from the church era in Revelation 2 & 3 and head to the throne room of heaven in Revelation 4 & 5, we wanted to take a week to discuss the rapture of the church. This is an imminent event all Christians find great hope in as we look forward to the redemption of our bodies in the catching away for those who are alive and the resurrection of the saints. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake discusses this important event.

Revelation 3 – The Seven Churches part 2

January 31, 2021

While the Lord Jesus dictates clear instructions to the seven churches in Asia Minor, could these letters also be a prophetic view of various eras within the church age? Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake discusses the last three letters given to the churches in Revelation chapter three and parallels the dynamics of these churches with key happenings throughout the church age.

Revelation Introduction

January 10, 2021

As we begin our study in the book of Revelation, we are excited about the promised blessing guaranteed to those who read it aloud, hear it, and keep it (Revelation 1:3). Dr. Charles Lake provides an introduction to the book, our author, and the intended audience. Andy Petry then walks through a thirty-thousand foot view of where we will head as we consider the future revealed in this prophetic letter.

Here are the resources for this week’s study and a study calendar for Revelation.