A Faithful Remnant

Malachi 3:16-4:6

December 6, 2020

Even though it appears there is not redemption for the nation of Israel, the Lord declares his plan for a faithful remnant of His people. In this, there is a powerful prediction about the future restoration of the people in the second coming of the Messiah. Listen as Dr. Charles Lake wraps up our study in the book of Malachi.

Covenant Unfaithfulness

Malachi 2:10-16

November 15, 2020

The prophet Malachi is dealing with sin issues that are limiting the blessings of God on the people of Israel. In clear covenant relationship with God, the people had forsaken the commandments and were reaping the pain of the curse due to their disobedience. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake breaks down the some practical, simple truths revealed by the prophet.

The Power of Pure Prayer

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
James 5:7-20

October 25, 2020

The power of prayer is something James was extremely familiar with as his nickname was “old camel knees” due to his constancy in prayer on his knees in the temple. Listen in as Andy Petry and Dr. Charles Lake lean in to James powerful teaching of the importance and effectiveness of prayer to heal both spiritually and physically within the church.

Romans 15 – Discipleship

May 24, 2020

Discipleship is the core of what the church is called to do. In Romans, the Apostle Paul discusses at length some of the key elements of how discipleship is lived out for the church in Rome. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake describes the Apostles approach and what discipleship should look like for the church today.

Romans 15:1-7 – Strength is for Service Not Status

May 10, 2020

In Romans chapter fifteen, the Apostle Paul reminds us that our great power and position in Christ is not for exaltation, but it is for pouring into others to build them up and to edify the church. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake breaks down the first seven verses of the chapter and points to a perfect example of humility in Christ.

Romans 13:8-14 – Becoming a Complete Christian

April 26, 2020

The Apostle Paul is continuing his practical instruction on how to live out our faith to fulfill the law through love, and in realizing the completion of our salvation is near, it should move us to live on mission for Christ. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake and Andy Petry break down these important teachings of how to put off the flesh and become a complete Christian.