Revelation 1 – Vision of the Risen Savior

January 17, 2021

The first chapter of Revelation sets the stage for all the unfolding events of the prophetic visions unveiled to the Apostle John. The information revealed in the book is sourced in the Godhead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as it is the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus as the Spirit speaks to the churches. Listen in as Andy Petry discusses the glimpse we are given of the Risen Savior who is walking amongst the churches.

Revelation Introduction

January 10, 2021

As we begin our study in the book of Revelation, we are excited about the promised blessing guaranteed to those who read it aloud, hear it, and keep it (Revelation 1:3). Dr. Charles Lake provides an introduction to the book, our author, and the intended audience. Andy Petry then walks through a thirty-thousand foot view of where we will head as we consider the future revealed in this prophetic letter.

Here are the resources for this week’s study and a study calendar for Revelation.

The 70 Weeks of Daniel – Daniel 9:24-27

June 21, 2020

As we wrap up our study in the book of Romans, Andy Petry jumps to Daniel Chapter 9 to review God’s revealed plan for Israel throughout the ages which correlates with Paul’s message as described in Romans 9-11. Listen in as Andy breaks down the 70 week prophecy of Daniel and its implications for the nation of Israel and the church today.

Romans 14:10 – The Judgment Seat of Christ

March 17, 2020

In Romans chapter fourteen, the Apostle Paul points to a future event that should cause all Christians to pause and consider what really matters. This event is the Judgment Seat of Christ. Listen in as Andy Petry breaks down in detail what Scripture has to say about this future event and why this should motivate us to live our lives on mission for the Lord.

Romans 13:8-14 – Becoming a Complete Christian

April 26, 2020

The Apostle Paul is continuing his practical instruction on how to live out our faith to fulfill the law through love, and in realizing the completion of our salvation is near, it should move us to live on mission for Christ. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake and Andy Petry break down these important teachings of how to put off the flesh and become a complete Christian.

Romans 13:1-7 – Called to Submit to Authority or Not?

April 19, 2020

The world we are living in during this time of COVID-19 has brought a new perspective to life and liberty in America and around the world. As Christians, it is important for us to know how and when we are called to submit to governing officials. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake and Andy Petry discuss the first seven verses of Romans 13 where Apostle Paul describes our posture and position as it relates to authority. This sends us on a journey throughout Scripture to see how we are instructed to respond to our leaders.

Leviticus 23 – The Feasts of the Lord

January 19, 2020

In looking at how Jesus fulfills the law and prophets, we took a quick look at the specific example of how Jesus fulfilled the Feasts of the Lord in Leviticus 23. Could it be true that God had pre-planned the day Jesus would die, be buried, and rise from the dead before Israel was even formed as a nation? Listen in as Andy Petry shows how Jesus fulfills the feasts in his first coming, and why it points to a pattern for his second coming as well.

Romans 8:15-23 – The Millennial Kingdom

March 8, 2020

In Romans Chapter 8, the Apostle Paul discusses the assurance we have of our salvation in Christ. In verses fifteen through twenty-three, he specifically describes us as being adopted as children of God as well as being co-heirs with Christ. Listen in as Andy Petry discusses the future fulfillment of this promise in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ.