False Teachers and The Contrast of True Believers – Searching for Lost Souls

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
Jude 17-25

August 9, 2020

As we wrap up the book of Jude, he provides a clear contrast between what a false teacher does in comparison to the activities and characteristics of a true believer. Jude also reminds us that in this battle for truth, lost souls are at stake. Listen in as Andy Petry discusses Jude’s closing thoughts and how they can help shape our lives as Christians.

False Teachers: Their Fruit Brings Destruction

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
Jude 17-25

August 9, 2020

We continue our study in the book of Jude as he writes about the characteristics of what False Teachers are like and the results of their influence within the church. Listen in as Andy Petry discusses how we can see and detect the fruit of these wolves in sheep’s clothing.

False Teachers: Conduct that Brings Condemnation

Theology in Practice – The Half-Brothers of Jesus Speak
Jude 3-7

July 26, 2020

In this week’s lesson, the brother of Jesus, Jude, while desiring to write about our common salvation is pressed to write in response to issues within the church. The warning to watch out for false teachers abounds all throughout scripture. Jude affirms this warning and reminds us that their condemnation was predicted long ago. Listen in as Andy Petry discusses the key examples Jude gives of God’s judgment against the ungodly.

Theology in Practice – The Half Brothers of Jesus Speak Introduction

July 19, 2020

In this week’s lesson, we kick-off a new study as we consider the epistles in the New Testament written by Jesus’s brothers Jude and James. It’s amazing to think Jesus had siblings. Did they believe that Jesus was the messiah? Listen in as we discuss what scripture records as it relates to the relationship Jesus had with his brothers.