A Faithful Remnant

Malachi 3:16-4:6

December 6, 2020

Even though it appears there is not redemption for the nation of Israel, the Lord declares his plan for a faithful remnant of His people. In this, there is a powerful prediction about the future restoration of the people in the second coming of the Messiah. Listen as Dr. Charles Lake wraps up our study in the book of Malachi.

Justice and Mercy

Malachi 2:17-3:6

November 22, 2020

A common set of questions are asked in our world and were being asked in the days of the prophet Malachi. “Where is the justice of God?” “Why doesn’t He intervene?” “Why are the wicked prospering?” Listen in as Andy Petry discusses the answer to these questions given in a prophecy to Malachi that reveals the solution is not a what or how, but who.

Covenant Unfaithfulness

Malachi 2:10-16

November 15, 2020

The prophet Malachi is dealing with sin issues that are limiting the blessings of God on the people of Israel. In clear covenant relationship with God, the people had forsaken the commandments and were reaping the pain of the curse due to their disobedience. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake breaks down the some practical, simple truths revealed by the prophet.