Romans 11 – God’s Plan for Israel

June 14, 2020

Is God done with Israel since they rejected Jesus as a nation? Can Jesus truly be who he said he was if the Jews did not accept him as the Messiah? Paul deals with these challenging question that open the door for doubting the validity of Jesus’ follower’s claims. Listen in as Andy Petry discusses the Apostle Paul’s clearly articulated argument showing Israel’s purpose in the plan of God’s salvation.

Romans 10 – Two Kinds of Righteousness

June 7, 2020

In Romans 10, the Apostle Paul is dealing with a big question that many in the church at Rome were asking; How did the Jews miss the messiah if Jesus was the true Son of God? Listen in as Andy Petry discusses the two kinds of righteousness that ultimately determine if you truly find and receive the righteousness of God.

Romans 9 – God Choosing Us Allows Us to Choose Him

May 31, 2020

The Apostle Paul in chapter 9 of Romans works through a complex idea of God’s sovereignty in election of individuals. The doctrine of election has been a tenuous debate amongst theologians throughout the centuries. Listen in as Andy Petry walks through the chapter and discusses the key themes Paul brings forward to help us better understand our position in Christ and God’s amazing grace.

Romans 15 – Discipleship

May 24, 2020

Discipleship is the core of what the church is called to do. In Romans, the Apostle Paul discusses at length some of the key elements of how discipleship is lived out for the church in Rome. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake describes the Apostles approach and what discipleship should look like for the church today.

Romans 14:10 – The Judgment Seat of Christ

March 17, 2020

In Romans chapter fourteen, the Apostle Paul points to a future event that should cause all Christians to pause and consider what really matters. This event is the Judgment Seat of Christ. Listen in as Andy Petry breaks down in detail what Scripture has to say about this future event and why this should motivate us to live our lives on mission for the Lord.

Romans 15:1-7 – Strength is for Service Not Status

May 10, 2020

In Romans chapter fifteen, the Apostle Paul reminds us that our great power and position in Christ is not for exaltation, but it is for pouring into others to build them up and to edify the church. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake breaks down the first seven verses of the chapter and points to a perfect example of humility in Christ.

Romans 13:8-14 – Becoming a Complete Christian

April 26, 2020

The Apostle Paul is continuing his practical instruction on how to live out our faith to fulfill the law through love, and in realizing the completion of our salvation is near, it should move us to live on mission for Christ. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake and Andy Petry break down these important teachings of how to put off the flesh and become a complete Christian.

Romans 13:1-7 – Called to Submit to Authority or Not?

April 19, 2020

The world we are living in during this time of COVID-19 has brought a new perspective to life and liberty in America and around the world. As Christians, it is important for us to know how and when we are called to submit to governing officials. Listen in as Dr. Charles Lake and Andy Petry discuss the first seven verses of Romans 13 where Apostle Paul describes our posture and position as it relates to authority. This sends us on a journey throughout Scripture to see how we are instructed to respond to our leaders.

Romans 12:9-21 – The Twelve Ingredients of Love

April 12, 2020

As we celebrate Easter and the historical fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, we wonder what does this mean for those who have come to believe in Jesus’ resurrection. In the latter portion of Romans 12, Paul describes how those who have received the gift of righteousness through faith are called to model the love of Christ. Listen in as Andy Petry and Dr. Charles Lake discuss the twelve ingredients of love that are practical marks of a true christian.